
Steve Rzonca


After 45 years in the construction industry, there isn’t much left that Steve hasn’t seen or done. After beginning his construction career in Southern California working for a large commercial contractor, he decided to leave his native home and relocate to beautiful central Oregon. He started a construction company with two partners, and soon became the sole owner of Eagle Mountain Construction, Inc.

Over the last three decades, he has steadily developed the company into a commercial oriented company and continues to supervise the overall operations of both the corporate office in Bend and the Willamette Valley operations.


Robert Livingston


Rob is the backbone of our business. Blending the perfect balance of hands on construction experience with strong business principles Rob’s leadership style allows our business to thrive while staying consistent to our philosophies and values. He holds a BS degree in Construction Management from Oregon State University and has over 25 years in the industry. He easily creates an environment where people around him thrive. His natural strengths of consistency and discipline ensure our business runs smoothly and efficiently.

Top 5 Strength Themes: Context, Consistency, Relator, Achiever, Discipline


Chip Hogle

VICE President

If there ever was a person created to balance the seemingly endless conflicts between clients, designers, contractors, suppliers, and trade partners it is Chip. He has an easy way of wading into the most difficult problems, making people relax and maybe even laugh, then finding the root cause and fostering a solution. He is always trying to get the most value out of every situation, action, and individual. He brings people together because he truly values the input of each individual. He would rather talk about ideas than people, and what might be rather than what is. Chip does not manage a client. He becomes a part of them. Chip holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from Northwestern University.

Top Five Strength Themes: Strategic Maximizer Input Woo Ideation


Jesse Rzonca

You know those people that are just naturally good at everything? Well, meet Jesse Rzonca. Smart, talented, innovative, and kind Jesse has a way of making the most complex of problems just dissolve. He understands all aspects of construction so whether your issue involves design, budget, schedule, what to do, how to do it, what material to use, or how to document it so we all know what was done, Jesse is your guy. As the son of our Founder Jesse grew up in the business and there is almost nothing he has not done at some point or another. Jesse has a degree in Radiation Health Physics from Oregon State University and has been officially part of Eagle Mountain Construction for over 8 years.

Top Five Strength Themes: Individualization Ideation Analytical Communication Input


Dan Baker

Dan loves to build things. It might be a small project or multimillion dollar ground up; Dan just loves to build. His experience runs from bare land development to basic repair and replace. Whatever your problem is Dan has probably seen it and knows exactly how to fix it. Every successful construction company needs a guy like Dan. You can plug him in and know that everything will be alright. Leveraging 30 years of hands-on experience Dan can both perform any task and teach someone else how to do it. Dan has been with Eagle Mountain for 5 years.

Top Five Strength Themes: Achiever Relator Deliberative Analytical Strategic


Kevin Czerwinski

Clients love Kevin. After Kevin has worked with a client the first thing they ask is “Can Kevin run our next job, please?” Trade Partners love working with him because he never lets a job site get out of control. He is smart, just, analytical, and consistent. He brings a strength and balance to every job he works on and this breeds trust, confidence, and unity. The most important job to Kevin is the one he is on right now and he will not leave it till it is done and done perfectly. Kevin brings a wealth of diverse experience to the table. He is a decorated veteran, a deep-sea welder, and has managed many of our largest projects. He holds a degree from Oregon State University in Construction Engineering Management.

Top Five Strength Themes: Restorative Analytical Harmony Responsibility Intellection


Shawn Kleinschmit

Every successful General Contractor must have a Shawn. He is the glue that holds every project together from the big picture to the smallest detail. Shawn is the guy who greets every person on the job by name and makes sure they understand how their contribution is shaping the project as a whole. His years of experience make him a person people go to for answers and his skill is not only in knowing the answer but being able to demonstrate how to put the solution into practice. He is a Coach, a Cheerleader, a Manager, a Leader, a Drill Sergeant, a Mentor, and a Friend all wrapped up into one. In his over 20 years of on-site experience, you can bet Shawn is the first one on the job and the last to leave.

Top Five Strength Themes: Empathy Developer Strategic Learner Futuristic


Meg Zaccagnino

Construction can be a tough business, especially on the financial side of things. Well, not if your name is Meg Livingston. Meg has the unique ability to meet a total stranger and make them a friend for life. She is exactly the right person to manage our office and all the financial details that go with running a multimillion dollar construction company.  Don’t let her easy-going personality fool you. She runs a tight ship with just the right mixture of love and respect. She is currently pursuing her BS degree in Accounting.

Top Five Strength Themes: Woo Communication Includer Realtor Harmony

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Zach Langhans

Ever heard the expression “The Devil is in the Details.”? Well, we call Zach the Demon Killer. It doesn’t matter if the project is millions of dollars or a few thousand, Zach will have a place for everything and everything in it’s place. Zach cut his teeth in the construction industry in the Army managing millions of dollars of military construction projects. When he decided to enter civilian life, we were fortunate enough that he chose Eagle Mountain. Complicated, technical issues do not scare him a bit and his ability to organize complex information into a manageable, actionable plan is extraordinary. Zach is a graduate of West Point and holds a BS Operations Research.

Top Five Strength Themes: Harmony Learner Discipline Focus Analytical